About us

Sewing to Sow is a culmination of many sewing experiences spanning several decades. My journey began at the young age of 8 by learning to sew a basic elastic skirt for my first 4-H project. While growing up in a home where sewing was constantly present and it featured my mother’s own sewing room, it wasn’t until my 30s that I started to realize a passion for sewing.

After years of focusing on using my education degree, in my 30s I finally pulled out the same sewing machine I learned on at the age of 8. A journey then began that I would never have imagined. Learning to sew customized gifts was the beginning. Customers provided photos and other memorabilia which were then transformed into one-of-a-kind signature photo fabric gifts. My background in teaching started to transform my thoughts. Instead of someone receiving a single gift, what could a customer create if they sew themselves?

My focus shifted to providing a gift that would keep on giving for a lifetime. I then started teaching students of all ages how to sew. Through the years, some former students have gone onto college choosing majors and minors related to the field of sewing while others are now sewing for home and their families.

The 2020 pandemic impacted many including myself. Choosing to close my sewing business was a difficult decision but proved to be necessary at that time. Losing both parents shortly thereafter was a turning point in my life. They spent their lives providing support into my sewing endeavors. Finding how to provide support to others in the same way became even more important than ever.

The journey up to this point has resulted in the creation of Sewing to Sow with the purpose to “impact lives one stitch at a time.” If you would like to learn more about, we are impacting lives both locally and abroad “Why We Sew.”